Everyday Disciple Training
As imitators of Christ, we desire to live in, through, and for God. We seek to be formed in the image of Christ to live an abundant life in Him and for the sake of others.
For Everyday Disciples Training
Every day, we are being formed by something or someone. Every event in life, action we take, response we make, thought we hold, emotion we allow, and dynamic we foster in relationship shapes our inner being. We’re either being shaped toward wholeness in Christ, reflecting God’s image in us, or toward the brokenness and disintegration of the world, a false and destructive caricature of that image.
As imitators of Christ, we desire to live in, through, and for God. We seek to be formed in the image of Christ to live an abundant life in Him and for the sake of others. *
*[Thoughts taken from Robert Mulholland Jr., “Invitation to a Journey”]
Kaleo Disciple Training
Kaleo is our core disciple training (32 weeks). It requires both daily personal study and a weekly meeting with other disciples. Kaleo is Spirit-led, relational, intentional, and replicable discipleship. Our aim is to provide time and space for the Holy Spirit to transform us into a deeper relationship with Christ, becoming more like Him daily. As we learn to live like Christ, we impact our friends, family, and others in our circle of influence, who then go into their communities to transform them through the love of Christ.
Through Kaleo, we read the entire New Testament and meditate daily on Scripture through journaling. We also learn several practical tools (based on Jesus’ life and teachings) that better equip us to live like Jesus and in His Kingdom. These tools are simple and memorable, which also equips us to teach others in everyday life. As we share our spiritual struggles and growth in our group, we build authentic, life-long relationships with other disciples that foster on-going vulnerability, confession, repentance, and transformation.
Along with Scripture, we read the book “Master Plan of Evangelism” by Robert E. Coleman and portions of the book “Gospel Fluency” by Jeff Vanderstelt. We also watch several videos that inform our life in the Kingdom of God.
In the New Testament, the word “kaleo” means “to call, to invite, to give a name to” in Greek (Strong’s G2564). As disciples of Jesus, Kaleo helps us understand what God is saying to us through His Word; motivates us to act in obedience to God’s prompting; and equips us to disciple others. We desire to experience a real Jesus who impacts every area of our lives, building an authentic faith. We advocate intergenerational discipleship – younger and older adults learning from each other while we work out our personal faith together.
Doulos Servant Leadership
Doulos Servant Leadership Training (16 weeks) teaches methods and tools to become servant leaders in our workplaces, homes, and communities. Along with Scripture, we read the book “Spiritual Leadership” by J. Oswald Sanders. We also watch several videos by Christian leaders that teach us practical ways to be a better servant leader in any environment.
In the New Testament, the word “doulos” means “a voluntary slave, bondman, man of servile condition” in Greek (Strong’s G1401). It is also a metaphor for “one who gives himself up to another’s will; those whose service is used by Christ in extending and advancing His cause among men.”
Jesus was revolutionary in His teaching on leadership and what it means to be a leader. He demonstrates leadership with His own life, by His obedience to God in all things, and shares what leadership in the Kingdom looks like by proclaiming, “And whoever wants to be first must be your slave – just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matt. 20:27-28) As we grow and learn how to serve others like Jesus in leadership, the Holy Spirit takes the natural gifts we have and enhances and stimulates them, maximizing our leadership abilities for the glory of God.
Doulos Servant Leadership
This online training portal, through the For Everyday Disciples portal, includes all content and will guide the disciple through all 16 weeks of Doulos Servant Leadership training.
Kardia Emotional Health
Kardia Emotional Health Training (16 weeks) teaches ways to become more emotionally healthy so that we can be better disciples of Jesus and more equipped to love and disciple others. Along with Scripture, we read the book “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” by Peter Scazzero. We also learn new tools to help us become more self-aware in identifying and processing emotions and relating to others in a healthy way.
In the New Testament, the word “kardia” means “heart” in Greek (Strong’s G2588). It describes the center of all physical and spiritual life – the soul as the fountain of emotions, desires, appetites, purposes, and passions.
Jesus taught that the state of our hearts affects everything we think, do, and say. “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” (Matt. 6:21) Understanding what’s in my heart, and whether my heart is honoring and loving God and others, is important to living obediently to the Lord. Through Kardia, we’ll learn how to bring all we are, including our emotions, under the Lordship of Christ so that we can walk in freedom, as a new creation in Christ.
Kardia Emotional Health
This online training portal, through the For Everyday Disciples portal, includes all content and will guide the disciple through all 16 weeks of Kardia Emotional Health training.
Teleios Spiritual Disciplines
Teleios Spiritual Disciplines Training (16 weeks) teaches how to practice spiritual disciplines to deepen our relationship with God. Along with Scripture, we read the book “Celebration of Discipline” by Richard Foster. This book guides us through the classic 12 spiritual disciplines, teaching us how to practice them intentionally and preparing us to daily walk in obedience to Christ.
In the New Testament, the word “teleios” means “perfection” in Greek (Strong’s G5046). It also means “complete” (in various applications of labor, growth, mental and moral character, etc.) As we practice the spiritual disciplines, we will better understand and be equipped to carry out the work of the Kingdom that Christ assigns to us.
But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. (Matt. 5:48) Jesus’ spiritual disciplines have been recognized for centuries as the core activities of the spiritual life. God intends the disciplines of the spiritual life to be for all of us. In fact, the disciplines are best exercised in the midst of our relationships with our spouse, our brothers and sisters, our friends and neighbors. Disciplines do not earn us favor with God or measure spiritual success. They are exercises which equip us to live fully and freely in the present reality of God — and God works with us, giving us grace as we learn and grow.
Teieios Spiritual Disciplines
This online training portal, through the For Everyday Disciples portal, includes all content and will guide the disciple through all 16 weeks of Teleios Spiritual Disciplines training.